I think the hot temperatures last weekend took everyone by surprise. That is especially true for those of us hoping to get in better shape for summer, haha.
The good news is that the warmer weather means more time working outside to get the backyard, lawn and gardens ready for summer and that IS exercise. Not only is that a workout, some experts say that gardening is the “perfect workout.”
Why Gardening is the Perfect Workout
Now that blackflies and mosquitoes are buzzing again, that might even speed up that outdoor workout, haha. I saw a “HELP” post on Facebook the other day for a person saying the just moved to Greenfield and the blackflies are awful. They were looking for the best insect repellent to use. I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to suggestions. I find Deep Woods Off seems to work as good as anything. That and drinking extra citrus in the spring and summer. That might sound a bit foolish, but it is a real thing. Take a Look: 11 Things You Can Eat to Repel Bugs
As for actual insect repellent that works, here are a few suggested as the best options available.
The 5 Best Bug Repellents of 2022 to Keep Insects Off
So back to exercising in the garden. Just how good are the things you do in the garden when it comes to burning calories? Well this guide will give you an idea of how you can cultivate the fitness plan you desire to grow your health, haha.
Hoeing For Health – Gardening And Your Fitness
AND for those of you that would rather watch than read, here you go. Gardening for exercise, a chance to get healthy as you grow healthy plants.