Last week during his daily chat on CTV News, Premier Stephen McNeil, while expressing his frustration with Nova Scotians still travelling about, made a statement that stuck. “Stay The Blazes Home!”
According to Macleans’ study of What Google data says about Canadian vs. U.S. social distancing efforts, Nova Scotia is failing. We are the worst in the country and in the top 3 for the worst out of Canada and the United States combined. That is scary as we see numbers of CoVid-19 cases grow daily and now a first provincial death yesterday from the disease.
What Google data says about Canadian vs. U.S. social distancing efforts
The statement “Stay The Blazes Home” has now inspired everything from clothing to a new song. Hopefully the idea of staying home to prevent the spread of CoVid-19 will catch on too.
When this is all over and things go back to normal, you will now be able to say you are a survivor of the pandemic of 2020 and “got the t-shirt”
Stay the Blazes HOME Collection
Now of course since we are on the east coast, someone is going to write a song around a statement like this. My good buddies The Stanfields came up with this catchy little ditty
The Stanfields – Stay The Blazes Home
Stay Safe and let’s “STAY THE BLAZES HOME!”