Bridgewater Town Council voted in favour of moving forward with a major waterfront redevelopment proposal at Monday’s council meeting.
The project which is being proposed by Dartmouth-based Zzap Architecture and Planning has a long way to go before it becomes a reality as Monday’s vote was just the first of many regulatory hurdles it will need to overcome.

Bridgewater Council voted to move forward with a major redevelopment at Monday’s council meeting. Photo: Evan Taylor
The vote which passed unanimously on Monday was for town staff to begin working on the necessary development agreement amendments that would be required in order for the project to be authorized. The vote does not bind council to approve the amendments once complete.
The mock-up presented at council shows the project aims to make major changes to the mall and surrounding landscape.
The proposal to renovate the existing mall structure includes plans to add multiple 6-8 story residential units. A portion of the mall would also be demolished in order to make room for underground parking and to improve access to the LaHave River.
Plans for the river site include; a wide, landscaped trail, various types, and forms of seating throughout such as benches and hammocks; space for public art; outdoor dining, and space for play structures.

The proposal would require multiple amendments to the development and zoning agreements that pertain to the South Shore Centre. Photo: Town of Bridgewater.
One of the most notable development amendments needed pertains to building height, as the project seeks to build structures up to eight stories, while the current development agreement only allows for six. Following Monday’s vote staff are now working on those amendments, and were they to be approved the building height restrictions would then change for all properties under the same zoning designation (C2).
Although there are still many steps to clear before this project is ultimately greenlit, the discussions council had on the subject were positive.
Councilor Wayne Thorburn said, “It’s exciting when you look at the pictures,” while Councillor Stacey Colwell expressed his excitement and his anticipation to see how the proposal develops.
Councillor Jennifer McDonald said, “It reflects councils plans over the years, and the values of the community, the desire to create a connection between the two sides of the river, obviously they’ve been listening to the community and that’s great to see,”.
Despite the excitement, prior to the presentation and vote being made Mayor David Mitchell attempted to ease the concerns of those who may have issues with the proposal noting that this is the very first step in what will be a long development process, during which the public will have their chance to weigh in with their opinions.

A look at the development steps that will need to happen in order for the proposal to be greenlit. Photo: Town of Bridgewater.
The next step in the development process will be a public participation meeting which has yet to be scheduled.