For the past year and even longer, we have been hearing about and seeing the results of a lack of workers. Restaurants are closed with signs “due to employee shortage” and every spot seems to be hiring. Driving through Bridgewater yesterday alone I saw a garage looking for a mechanic, a construction site hiring carpenters, two restaurants are hiring, one even looking for managers. It seems that being unemployed would not be due to a lack of options. But what about the quality of work that is being delivered lately. As I write this I wonder if diminished quality might be the result of being overworked? Or could it be the fact that workers know they have lots of options if they are dismissed by their employer, so “who cares?” not sure.
I have been talking with friends that in some cases are now doing the jobs that 3 or 4 people were doing pre pandemic, now one person is covering those duties. That has to result in something being rushed through more than it used to be. Things would get overlooked I would assume. This sign comes to mind when I think of things being overlooked. Gives a good giggle in the end.
But then this morning kinda took the cake, or the cookie as it may be. This week the Smile Cookie campaign is underway to raise funds for various charities. The Tim Hortons locations in Bridgewater are donating funds from Smile Cookies to Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
I laughed when I pulled these out and I am hoping the employee’s day gets better. Granted they taste good, but for Smile Cookies, the phrase “you had One Job” comes to mind, haha.
The important thing to remember though is that regardless of how these delicious cookies look, they are working to fund a very important cause.
I guess the biggest thing to consider as you are out and about is that everyone in the workforce is likely a bit stressed and stretched. The best thing we can offer is a friendly “HI” and a smile.
Like some of the signs say that have been floating around the last little while, be kind to those that showed up.