The Liverpool Regional Highschool Warriors will have a new logo in the near future after students were asked if they thought a change was necessary.
“We have a group of students who are very socially minded who wanted to make a difference so a group of students brought forward the idea of putting the question to the students,” said Principal Souhail Soujah.
The old LHRS logo that students recently voted to replace. Photo: LRHS
The logo in question features an indigenous man wearing a feathered headdress and students voted strongly against keeping it.
“Fortunately the students voted to change the logo but keep the Warriors name,” Soujah said.
One of the students leading the charge was grade 12 student, Jordyn Duffney, ” We’re definitely a very determined group of students and we are going to stand for what we think is right.”
She says her peers widely embraced the decision and she didn’t recall any instances of pushback from them.
As a relative newcomer to the South Shore, Soujah says he was very proud to see the leadership qualities demonstrated by his students over this issue.
According to Soujah the old logo was in use for around 60 years and the school will now be working with students to find a new logo suitable for the Warriors.