A new creative project is hoping to get people to hit the trails.
The Adventure Trail Association is putting out the call for artists interested in creating public art installations to run along the corridor of the Adventure Trail.
Karen Geddes-Selig, acting active living coordinator for the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, says the idea stems from a similar project they created at the Riverbank Habitat.
She said the project brought more people out to explore the riverbank, and hopes it will do the same for the trail.

The Adventure Trail Art project stems from a former project, the creation of the Riverbank Habitat, which sits between Lunenburg and Mahone Bay.
“Certainly we know from all the data that the more people are moving or getting outside, they are getting a lot of health benefits from that, and that’s our goal,” she said.
The association is accepting proposals from artists interested in beautifying the trail, which runs from Bridgewater to Mahone Bay, until December 15th.
From there, they will go through a selection panel before handing over creative control to the selected artists.
Geddes-Selig said they want to give the artist as much control as they want in hopes the art pieces will bring people out to explore the trail.
“With art, we think it’s whatever they (the artist) see as a creation for that site,” she said.
“so we’re looking for an artist who wants to put something on that trail that is really going to attract people to come out and see it.”
More information on submitting proposals, as well as the project itself can be found on MODL’s webite, or by clicking here.