A new proposal could see big changes in the appearance of Lunenburg Harbour.
ABCO Holdings Ltd wants to purchase Federal sea bed property in Lunenburg Harbour near their location.
In their presentation to Town Council, the company indicated they would infill a portion of that land to build a mixed residential/commercial and industrial area.
ABCO Director Jason Huskilson asked council to send a letter of no objection to the Federal government.
Mayor Rachel Bailey says the town first wanted some conditions in place.
“We want the opportunity to look further into what may happen from in-filling and the company was very willing to supply us with that.
Bailey says once they were assured there would be opportunities to provide input, the town was willing to provide the letter.
“Because it is a lengthy and somewhat complicated process, we weren’t looking to complicate it further. Just wanted to make sure we were protecting the public interest in the long-term.”
Bailey says the project will still need approval from several federal departments before it could go ahead.
In an e-mail to our newsroom, Huskilson says, “We are excited about the potential for becoming a part of the Lunenburg community through our continued investment here on the waterfront. We have acquired a beautiful piece of land here on Lunenburg Harbour and we are looking at potential concepts for development. Any developments would be in concert with the Town & the Community of Lunenburg. It is still very early and any developments would be worked through with the officials here in the Town of Lunenburg. “
Huskilson says they are slowly working through the early stages of development and are ticking off the necessary boxes as they explore their options.
Reported by: Ed Halverson
Twitter: @edwardhalverson
E-mail: halverson.ed@radioabl.ca